Sunday 12 July 2015

The First Blocks

Now that the materials were here, all I had to do was measure out the exact building lines, mix a load of mortar and start to build.

People have told me that the first few blocks, working below ground level, are the most difficult.  I spent a long while getting lines and levels right, and started with the corners, ensuring I got the levels right to match with the existing Damp Proof Course.

I started with the medium density concrete blocks for just the outside skin and ensured that the blocks were vertical, straight and level; that the corners were at right-angles and the three lines between the existing damp courses and the new blocks were level.

A 5:1 mix of sand to cement meant that I was using 2 1/2 bags of sand to 1/2 bag of cement in the mixer.  I had forgotten to get any plasticiser, but I shall remedy that tomorrow.  Actually the blocks went down very easily and needed little adjustment; probably because of the time and trouble we took getting the foundation concrete level.

Before I did the blocks I decided to remove the old cast-iron soil pipe, a job I had not been looking forward to, partly because it is so heavy and partly because even at the top of my scaffold tower the top was out of my reach and would likely come crashing down onto the scaffold sending me catapulting into next-door's garden.  

In the event a few blows of a large lump hammer shattered enough of the pipe to make the remaining section less of a threat.  It came down easily, thanks to Newton's discovery.  The only bit that put up any real resistance was the connector into the bathroom which needed digging out with a chisel.  So I am very relieved have got rid of it and bricked up the hole in the back wall.


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